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9 Reasons Health Consumption Tempe

9 Reasons Health Consumption Tempe

As an Indonesian sure you are not familiar with this one meal. Tempe is one of the most common types of food that we have encountered in Indonesia. You noticed, almost in every house you will find a meal Indonesian tempeh. Start of fried tempeh, scrambled, bacem and others. Even today tempeh is worldwide and in consumption by people in various countries.

Tempe is a soy-based foods that are rich in nutrients. It has long been known as one of the soybean protein source. Because the process is using the fermentation tempeh also contains probiotics that are good for the health of the digestive tract.

In 100 grams of tempeh contains:
  • 20.8 grams of protein, 
  • fat 8.8 g, 
  • fiber 1.4 g, 
  • Calcium 155 mg, 
  • phosphorus 326 mg, 
  • 4 mg iron,
  •  0.19 mg of vitamin B1, 
  • 0.11 mg of vitamin B2, 
  • 0.22 mg of vitamin B6, 
  • 52 mcg of folic acid, 
  • 8.8 mcg selenium,
  •  1.81 mg of zinc,
  •  53 mg isoflavones and 
  • carotene 34 mg.
In addition to delicious and savory, soybean was having a myriad of health benefits for the body, among others:

1. Source of Protein

Add temp eke in your diet to increase protein intake. Tempe contains high-quality protein and amino acids the body needs. Protein in tempeh can help maintain muscle tissue and also makes enzymes that are useful for the needs of the cell.

2. Helping The Body Metabolism

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin (vitamin B3) contained in tempe role in the metabolism of the body. Both of these substances activate the enzyme the body needs to function. Riboflavin is also beneficial for healthy eyes and skin, while niacin can help to control appetite.

3. Preventing Free Radicals

Tempe antioxidant isoflavones that play a role in the fight against free radicals. These antioxidants can help prevent degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. and can also prevent various types of cancer (prostate, breast).

4. Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease and Cholesterol

Tempe contains isoflavones that help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL). Besides tempeh much polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) and niacin, which also served to lower bad cholesterol and therefore reduces the risk of heart attack

5. Easily digested

Tempe is rich in fiber. Fiber is very important to help the digestive process and prevent a variety of chronic diseases. Tempe is a good choice for people who have digestive problems. Tempeh fermentation process makes the suit digestible oligosaccharides to be more easily digested. Tempeh is fermented using Rhizopus fungi that produce phytase enzymes that help improve the absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium.

6. Ideal For People who Medium Low Salt Diet

Sodium content in tempeh very little, unlike other fermented foods such as miso soybean very salty.

7. Containing Natural Antibiotics

Fungus Rhizopus producing natural antibitok useful to prevent diseases such as diarrhea and dysentery.

8. Good For Diabetics

Protein in tempeh is best eaten for diabetics especially problematic in patients who consume animal protein sources. Protein and as well as in tempeh can prevent the increase in blood pressure and keep blood sugar under control.

9. High Calcium

Tempe high calcium. A study done in Kuala Lumpur found that the calcium content in the 4 tempeh made equivalent to the calcium from cow's milk.



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