As an Indonesian sure you are not familiar with this one meal . Tempe is one of the most common types of food that we have encountered in Indonesia . You noticed , almost in every house you will find a meal Indonesian tempeh . Start of fried tempeh , scrambled , bacem and others. Even today tempeh is worldwide and in consumption by people in various countries . Tempe is a soy-based foods that are rich in nutrients . It has long been known as one of the soybean protein source . Because the process is using the fermentation tempeh also contains probiotics that are good for the health of the digestive tract . In 100 grams of tempeh contains : 20.8 grams of protein , fat 8.8 g , fiber 1.4 g , Calcium 155 mg , phosphorus 326 mg , 4 mg iron , 0.19 mg of vitamin B1 , 0.11 mg of vitamin B2 , 0.22 mg of vitamin B6 , 52 mcg of folic...
Diabetes mellitus is one of the oldest diseases in humans . Derived from the Greek word term , which means showers and Diabetes Mellitus means honey or sugar . Approximately term diabetes mellitus describe symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes , which is a lot out urine sweet because it contains sugar . Because of this , in other words, this disease is also called " Diabetes " . By medical definition , the definition of diabetes extends to a collection of symptoms that arise in the aspect of a person is caused by the presence of elevated levels of blood glucose due to insulin deficiency both in absolute and relative nature . Background Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus is closely associated with normal glucose regulation mechanism . In normal conditions , the body sugar levels under control , ranging from 70-110 mg / dL , by the influence of the hormones insulin produced by the pancreas ...